Saturday, 9 March 2019

Gmail account archiving - why is it so hard?

Long time no post, I think I'm averaging one post a year now!

Whilst we love G Suite, especially the API of which we make extensive use, I can't work out why there is no easy way to archive a users email when you delete them.

So a member of staff leaves, and as part of the delete process one can transfer all the files they own to another user, so we transfer all files to an archive account and Google kindly puts all those files in a folder named the same as the user, brilliant!

But why oh why can't we do the same thing with email?

Some of our clients have to keep all correspondence for a certain amount of time for legal reasons, however there is no easy workflow for this that I can see, and so we have a lot of dormant accounts sitting there "just in case"

OK: I know I could download all the email via IMAP using Thunderbird or similar and then either upload to a Gmail archive account or move the whole lot to Glacier via S3 in MBOX format.
But the later doesn't give me search-ability and the former is a PITA to organise.

I just don't understand why Google have made G Suite so damn easy for a sysadmin to manage and have produced a fantastic API that allows us to automate workflows efficiently, but we can't do something so seemingly simple as click and "archive email to" button?